
2021年「台美人獎學金基金會」(Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund, TASF) 獎助學金即日起開放申請,提供全美各地臺灣移民子弟獎學金資助,共將獎助10名學生,每人5,000元,總額5萬元,報名至2021年4月2日截止。

台美人獎學金基金會 TASF 於2014年成立,目的在協助美籍台裔子弟獲得高等教育機會。如為2021年秋天進入大學院校就讀,且需經濟援助之美國地區高中生,或大學院校在學一年級學生,GPA成績3.0以上,家庭收入相當或低於聯邦、州、郡低收入水平者,可提出申請。



Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund (TASF) needs more applications before its deadline on Friday 4/2/2021!

Many high school counselors told us that low income students are too stressed for taking care of their family need or many of them may choose not to attend college in the coming fall.

Please help sharing with Taiwanese American Students you know. We want to support their college tuition!!!
